Quote of the Day

I've been reading "Take Five" by Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris d. Stubna.
It has nice little 5 minute reflections from St. Ignatius. It is all
based around the work day.

Today's quote hit me pretty hard. "Do not permit the children of this
world to show greater care for the things of time than you show for

How many times do we focus long and hard and strive for goals which
are only temporal? If I truly loved Christ like I love and study my
iPhone I'd be a saint. Pray for me.

Posted bypiscotikus at 8:38 AM  


Audrey Yu said... 1:05 PM  

Shalom, brother! I understand your situation, I had those similar times too. As I think of those words, I just realised how much time I've spent on my computer instead of praying and reading the Bible.

Thanks for the post and God bless!

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